
  • Кateryna Pinugina МОІППО


Keywords: child with special educational needs; inclusion learning; inclusive education; integration; social and psychological adaptation


In today's world, the introduction of inclusive education for children with special needs is an all-round social process that has affected all highly developed countries. The basis of this process is the society's readiness to rethink the treatment of children with atypical development in order to recognize their equality and the right to equal opportunities in various spheres of life, including education.

The article analyzes the concept “children with special educational needs”, it also outlines the psychological and social aspects for inclusive education institutions. In the article there are considered peculiarities of creating a special environment and the inclusion principles observance i educational institutions.

Until recently, most children with special needs used to get education in special institutions, however, learning with normative peers (inclusive education) is becoming more common.

The topic of the article is revealed through analyzing the publications on inclusive education issues. The relevance of social and psychological child's adaptation in the general learning space is determined.

Numerous scientific studies on the inclusive education implementation show that the adaptive capabilities increase in the joint learning and upbringing, they quickly master basic social skills and gain independence.

At the present stage of inclusive education development in Ukraine it is important to consider its psychological and social aspects for educational institutions.



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