



certification;, competence; , creative personality; , professional growth;, professional skill; , self development; , teacher;, «Teacher of the Year» contest.


The article analyzes adaptive and organizational measures for the first round of the «Teacher of the Year» professional competition. An analysis of modern research on the aspects and conditions of stimulating the teachers competence development has been carried out. The need for constant teacher professional growth and the low level of readiness of teachers to participate in competitions of professional skills are indicated. The positive impact of professional skill competitions on the development of a teacher's professional competence is analyzed. Attention is focused on the results of the participants’ survey of the «Teacher of the Year» competition to determine the motivational factors influencing the teachers to participate in the competition. The organizational and educational conditions for teachers competence development within the competitions of professional skills have been clarified.

The executive committee work to ensure the openness of the competition, jury transparency and winners awarding is described. The  conclusion of the expert jury based on the results of the competition is proposed, the evidence of the teachers' achievements, and effectiveness of  teaching.



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