


personnel autonomy, personnel potential, professional competence, staffing


The article discusses the importance of defining the concept of «professional competence» and its components. Through analysis of recent research and publications, it has been established that professional competence is a key characteristic that enables specialists to perform their professional duties to a high standard, meet modern requirements, and continually develop their skills. The article highlights the need for educational institutions to create appropriate conditions and implement management systems for the continuous professional development of teaching staff.

Furthermore, the article determines the conditions for staffing in institutions of general secondary education in the context of personnel autonomy. It argues that the main goal of personnel policy in educational institutions is to maintain a stable staff by constantly monitoring personnel potential and fostering its improvement and development.

The article presents the results of a monitoring study on the personnel composition of general secondary education institutions in the Mykolaiv region. The study analyzes the characteristics of personnel composition, presents quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the staff, and identifies a number of staffing problems. The article proposes ways to address these shortcomings, as well as features of the formation of professional competence to increase the level of professional development among teachers. Additionally, the article provides advice to managers of general secondary education institutions on promoting the personal and professional potential of teachers. This can be achieved by considering the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the teaching staff and focusing on individual and creative development, forming professional competence through personal and activity approaches, and creating an educational environment that optimizes continuous development.


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