


educational institutions, food, HACCP working group, principles of the HACCP system, stages of HACCP, system of risk analysis and control of critical points (HACCP)


The article highlights the peculiarities of the implementation of the HACCP system in educational institutions, carries out a risk analysis and indicates the establishment of control of critical points (HACCP) in educational institutions. The content of regulatory documents regulating the organization of the food system for students of education has been analyzed. Four stages of the system of risk analysis, dangerous factors and control of critical points are distinguished. Examples of their implementation are given. The food safety system contains a number of rules based on the principles of HACCP. For this purpose, the article reveals the specifics of the implementation of all HACCP principles and determines what actions should be taken to implement and document the system in educational institutions. The results of training of students of advanced training courses during the competence- and activity-oriented selective module «Implementation of the HACCP system in educational institutions» conducted by the department of theory and methods of science and mathematics education and information technologies of the Mykolaiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education were analyzed. The subjects of the classes are described and examples of the tasks offered during the training are given. The results of the reflection are summarized in the form of a diagram. Special attention in the article is given to the specifics of the HACCP working group in the educational institution, which was given methodological recommendations for the implementation of the HACCP system. A step-by-step algorithm of actions of members of the HACCP working group is described, which will make it possible to effectively plan work and implement the principles of the system of risk analysis and determination of control parameters of critical points in production (food processing units). The article also examines the «Znaimo» portal whose key tasks are: formation of a culture of balanced nutrition among the younger generation; strengthening and preservation of health; quick informing, training and consulting of educators.


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