


survey, health-saving technologies, educational process, features, principles, problems, methods, target settings, ways of implementation


The aim of this article is to provide a scientific and theoretical foundation for the introduction of health-saving technologies in the educational process. The study involved an analysis of normative documents and scientific literature to investigate the use of health-saving technologies in educational institutions. The classification of health-saving technologies was identified, including medical-hygienic, educational, and life-safety technologies. The article reveals the main components of health-saving technologies, such as target settings, features, tasks, principles, methods, results, and practical ways of implementation. The main goals of health-saving technologies are to encourage children's desire to be healthy, create conditions aimed at preserving and strengthening health, and provide the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities for a healthy lifestyle. The features of health-saving technologies are characterized by a lack of authoritarianism, individualization, priority of education, and motivation for a healthy lifestyle. The principles underlying the implementation of health-saving technologies include general-pedagogical principles and special principles, which reveal the essence of the health-saving process.

A questionnaire was conducted with 349 teachers of general secondary education institutions in the Mykolaiv region to investigate the state and problems of the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process. The survey results identified which health-preserving technologies teachers use in their pedagogical activities, as well as the forms of physical education, recreational activities, and technologies used during the school day. The problems arising from the application of health-saving technologies in the educational process were identified, including lack of knowledge, experience, time in class during the distance form of education, and lack of understanding of the problem of health preservation by teachers and parents. The main result of the implementation of health-saving technologies should be the formation of children's conscious attitude towards their health, the mastery of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, and the development of life skills related to healthy and safe behavior, ultimately leading to the formation of health-saving competencies. The article proposes solutions to the problems of implementing health-saving technologies, including the adoption of meaningful content, methods, and tools that provide a deep and transformative learning process, as well as the professional development of pedagogical workers to improve the quality of teaching.


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