information and communication technologies, blended learning, computer applications, digital competence, geographyAbstract
The article addresses the urgent issue of digitalization in the education system, particularly in geography lessons at general secondary education institutions. The authors review and analyze the approaches of foreign and domestic researchers towards solving the problems of distance and mixed education. The article discusses theoretical and practical aspects of the educational process using modern digital tools and means. The focus is on the use of various internet resources during geography classes, teaching students to search, critically evaluate and store geographical information, create their own information products, and develop digital competence. The publication presents the practical experience of teachers in digitalizing the geography education process, particularly during distance and mixed learning. The authors highlight the technologies of mixed learning, which balance innovative and traditional forms of learning. The article also provides practical materials to enhance the quality and meaning of school geography lessons. It covers different forms of work using information and communication technologies in geography, such as creating presentations, projects, sites, blogs, practical work, simulating natural processes and phenomena, high-level cartographic visibility, searching for necessary resources for classes, and monitoring and evaluating learning material. This publication is recommended for geography teachers, as well as for those interested in the effective use of modern online resources in mixed and distance learning, especially in geography.
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