


competent teacher, integral development of a teacher, integration, noo-education, personal growth of a teacher


In the process of reforming Ukrainian education, there is an increasing role for integrated subjects and courses, which require teachers to constantly develop themselves not only in their narrow professional field but also in other educational areas. The model presented here, «Integral Development of a Modern Teacher», is an extension of the author's «Axiological Foundations of the Activity of a Modern Teacher» model. It emphasizes the horizontal and vertical (integral) development of the teacher's axiosphere. In this model, the teacher is viewed as a competent teacher (CT) with developed spiritual intelligence (SQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), general intelligence (IQ), and digital intelligence (DQ). Spiritual intelligence (SQ) pertains to moral and spiritual personal development based on culture-centric and noospheric approaches. Emotional intelligence (EQ) pertains to the teacher's mental development and ability to recognize and manage emotions. General intelligence (IQ) and digital intelligence (DQ) are the primary indicators of a teacher's professional development, encompassing various characteristics such as expanding general erudition (including foreign language proficiency), pedagogical knowledge (theoretical, methodological, and specific subject knowledge), and professional skills such as planning, implementation, and reflection. The integrity (holism) of this model is rooted in the teacher's status as a cultured and intelligent person, competent in their field. The goal of the integral development of a teacher is to increase their competitiveness, reach new levels of self-realization, master new pedagogical roles, and attain new levels of communication both domestically and internationally.


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