
  • Halyna Lozko


Ключові слова: дух нації, феномен, національна ідентичність, біогенетичний закон, генетична пам’ять, мультикультуралізм.


Globalization, information hybrid wars and the new reform of the educational sector highlight certain disadvantages of education, which have caused the low level of national consciousness of a significant part of Ukrainians. Obviously, an important component of social and science disciplines is the study of the national cultural heritage, which was not given enough attentionfor a long time. The philosophy of education, along with the study of world ethnopolitical thought, now increasingly appealing to the domestic philosophical, political, and ethnological heritage. The spirit of nation acts as an important spiritually motivating way of understanding the unmistakable phenomenon by young generations, which cuts across all the entire historical-geographical, spiritual and cultural space of Ukraine, which unites the generation of ancestors with descendants. The problem of genetic memory of generations is comprehended through the biogenetic law.

At present, the content of Ukrainian phenomena adhering to the field of the philosophy of the spirit is revealed, using the modern concept of "spirit of the nation" in the context of old and new discoveries in psychology, biology and genetics, as well as believe that citizens of philosophy are needed.

The author concludes that the XXI century іt is considered a time for a new perspective on the interaction of human communities, capable of self-development and able to defend their national priorities against global pressure. Since national phenomena have not yet exhausted their unique spiritual potential and have not fully deployed their nation-building physical capacities, it is hoped that they will be realized in the near future.


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2020-08-28 — Updated on 2020-08-28
