decentralization, education, local community, local government, study prospectsAbstract
The article explores the formation and prospects of decentralization of education in Ukraine. It argues that the decentralization of education was aimed at addressing the inefficient budgetary support of the education process, which was previously organized according to a hierarchical vertical. The key determinants of decentralization in education are discussed, namely, changing the content of education, improving the mechanisms of its financing, optimizing and developing educational networks. The article argues that Ukraine is undergoing a full-scale reform of local self-government and territorial organization of power, accompanied by the formation of a capable primary institution of local self-government - the territorial community through its consolidation (united territorial community, hereinafter - TC).
The author explains that decentralization of education involves the transfer of powers and responsibilities for financing and managing education to TCs, which has become the main aspect of the reform. However, the basic principles, defined directions of the reform, and the strategy of educational development remain within the competence of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The article emphasizes that state approaches to financing educational institutions have changed dramatically, as local budgets now receive targeted funds in the form of an educational subvention.
The article describes how the transfer of financial powers to the local level can help Ukraine move away from the previous system of planning and implementing educational policy by reducing the gap between operational and financial management. It highlights the importance of establishing hub schools and optimizing the network of educational institutions to address the problem of a small number of students in small towns and villages. However, the article also acknowledges that decentralization of education in Ukraine has certain problematic aspects that need to be addressed.
In conclusion, the article proposes ways to solve the problematic aspects of decentralization in Ukraine and reflects on the prospective directions of decentralization of education in Ukraine. By decentralizing education, Ukraine has the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its education system, and ensure that education is tailored to the needs of local communities.
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