


adaptation, inclusion, students with special educational needs, learning difficulties


In today's world, digital technologies are playing a significant role in shaping the educational landscape. This is particularly true when it comes to supporting students with special educational needs. The use of digital technologies can greatly aid in adapting the educational process to better meet the needs of students with disabilities. By utilizing digital tools, educators can create a more inclusive and accessible learning environment for all students. In the article, the author discusses the main categories of educational difficulties faced by students with special educational needs, which include physical impairments, functional limitations such as sensory or motor difficulties, and intellectual limitations. The article then analyzes common types of educational difficulties such as motivation, self-organization, work capacity, and types of educational activities. The author also presents the main directions of adaptation for the educational process, which include adapting the environment, using optimal psychological and pedagogical strategies, adapting educational materials and tasks, and adapting the assessment process. The article then outlines specific principles, methods, and techniques for teaching children with special educational needs in an inclusive classroom of a general secondary education institution. These include following principles from simple to complex, ensuring accessibility, and promoting the unity of cognitive-reproductive and creative activity. The lesson structure in the inclusive class must take into account the overlap in education programs for students with and without learning difficulties and must include a corrective and developmental component that considers the psychophysical development of the student.


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