civic consciousness, competence approach, education, monitoring research, professional qualificationAbstract
This publication analyzes the key factors that contribute to the development of the general historical competencies of social science teachers in the modern educational paradigm, based on historiographical and source-based research. The article also highlights the main components of the general historical competencies of history teachers within the context of the New Ukrainian School.
Through a monitoring study to determine the level of professional skill among social science teachers in general secondary education institutions in the Mykolaiv region, it was found that the development of a social science teacher's professional potential needs to be optimized in response to changes in the philosophy and content of education, public demand for practice-oriented training, and the expansion and complexity of the information space. These changes require a corresponding update in the professional competencies of modern teachers. The concept of «professional competence» of a social science teacher in the context of the New Ukrainian School involves a complex set of characteristics, the result of which is the teacher's ability to effectively form all components of subject historical competence, including chronological, logical, informational, spatial, and axiological competencies. The article emphasizes the importance of a teacher's conscious understanding of the role of historical knowledge in the cognitive growth of schoolchildren, which contributes to the teacher's level of historical and methodological knowledge, as well as their understanding of the role of history in the intellectual development of the child. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the actual material and results of the monitoring research, which found that the formation of subject-methodical competence among social science teachers in general secondary education institutions in the Mykolaiv region is higher than that of professional competence. As a result, the content of postgraduate pedagogical education and its main components should strengthen the professional component of the educational process in advanced training courses to enhance the professional potential of social science teachers.
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