
  • Oksana Drozhanova


Keywords: hermeneutics, understanding, hermeneutic experience.


A significant change in ideas about the content and methodology of socio-humanitarian knowledge and the formation of new methodological paradigms of post-classical social studies suggests a deepening of the dialogue between philosophical epistemology and social sciences, mastering, in particular, the achievements of the hermeneutical philosophical tradition. The article discusses the basic principles of philosophical hermeneutics on the example of the works of H.-G. Gadamer in the context of the epistemological problems of the scientific discourse of modern humanities. The importance of understanding conditions in hermeneutics is shown.

The author considers it necessary to refer to the main principles of hermeneutics on the example of G.-G. Gadamer in view of the epistemological problems of contemporary social discourse.

The article points out that hermeneutics for Gadamer is first and foremost a practice that is implemented as an activity for understanding some texts. In general, hermeneutics, as a special method of humanitarian knowledge, turns to historical, aesthetic, linguistic studies, which is where it produces positive results.

For the hermeneutical method, it is important to find out the difference between natural science and humanitarian knowledge, as well as whether the methods of the natural sciences can be applied to humanitarian knowledge, or whether this knowledge relies on excellent methods. It should be emphasized that hermeneutics, as a method, aims at the uniqueness and uniqueness of research subjects, unlike the natural sciences, whose focus is on the universal.


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