


Dmytro Kremin, education, literary and artistic environment, literary prototype, poetry, reflections; underground, Uzhhorod, worldview


The formation of the uniqueness of a creative person lies in the development of natural abilities and gifts, but it is usually based on acquired knowledge and skills in the process of learning, communicating with like-minded people and opponents, which ultimately play a key role in shaping the worldview of an individual. The article examines the formation of the worldview of the Ukrainian poet Dmytro Kremin (1953–2019) under the influence of the literary and artistic environment of Uzhhorod in 1960–1970. The future recipient of the Shevchenko Prize spent his youth in this city, where he studied at a rural school, later at a boarding school, and after that at Uzhhorod State University (1967–1975). In total, he stayed in Uzhhorod for eight years (1967–1975). Philosophical and literary reflections on the awareness of the creative experience acquired in youth, the development of creative thinking, and the aesthetics of words, as well as the culture of communication, are studied in the article. D. Kremin was good at drawing and deepened his knowledge of fine arts at the studio of Z. Bakonya. He witnessed the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Soviet troops (1968), which had a great impact on his outlook on freedom and democracy. He received his philological education at Uzhhorod State University, where he was a member of the university literary studio named after Y. Goyda (the head literary critic was V. Pop). The literature of Transcarpathia in the considered period is marked by the publication of novels by Yu. Meigesh, I. Chendei, I. Dolgosh, V. Ladyzhets, books of short stories by Yu. Kerekes, Y. Zhupanin, V. Basarab, P. Tsybulskyi, poetry by V. Vovchok, P. Skunts, V. Varodi, V. Ignat, and satires by F. Kryvin. At the same time, writers are forced to adhere to the framework of «social realism», «the violation of which norms is punished». Thus, I. Chendei's book, P. Skunts' poem «The Crucifixion» and F. Kryvin's satire were criticized. These writers played an important role in shaping the worldview of the poet. D. Kremin was also unfairly criticized for modernism in his poetry. Communication with prominent Ukrainian artist F. Manaylo, representatives of the Transcarpathian underground F. Seman (Ichi), P. Bedzir, E. Kremnytska played an important role in the formation of his worldview. Their images appear in the poetic heritage of D. Kremin, and the poet is grateful to them for the acquired creative and life experience. D. Kremin's poems, letters, and interviews testify that the cultural and artistic environment of Uzhhorod became a real literary, artistic, and life school for him, contributed to the formation of his worldview, and influenced the process of his creative growth.



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