


types of work with text in lessons, informational and methodological support of lessons, methodological study of the jubilee's legacy, website as a motivational factor for reading, literature lessons in the native region, the works of Dmytro Kremin


The practically-oriented article highlights the methodological aspects of studying the work of the outstanding Ukrainian poet, publicist, translator, and essayist, and laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko, Dmytro Dmytrovych Kremin, in literature classes in his homeland. The main sections of the website «The Boundless World of Dmytro Kremin on the Internet» are proposed with the aim of popularizing the jubilee's creativity among the general population. These resources can be used during the pre-reading phase to familiarize students with the life and creative journey of the Shevchenko Prize laureate.  Innovative methods for working with the text of Dmytro Kremin's poetry in literature classes are presented, focusing on the poem «Looking for the Historical Homeland..». These methods are the result of the collaborative efforts of the creative group of teachers specializing in Ukrainian and foreign literature, known as «Literature of the Native Land in Figures: Dmytro Kremin», from the series of events organized by the department «Anniversaries - 2022. Reading Strategies». The aforementioned approaches to working with the text of D. Kremin's poetry correspond to the main stages of students' reading activity, including the pre-reading phase, the actual reading activity, and the post-reading phase. They can be utilized in both traditional and remote lessons. All the proposed methods for working with the text of the poem «Looking for a Historical Homeland» aim to enhance the level of informational and communicative competence among students, which is one of the key competencies for education seekers. These tasks also consider the specific reading habits of 21st-century students and cater to working with both traditional and electronic versions of poetic works. It has been proven that the utilization of modern methods and technologies for working with texts positively impacts the perception of poetic works in literature classes in the native region. The main directions for further scientific and methodological study of the legacy of the Shevchenko Prize laureate, Dmytro Dmytrovych Kremin, have been determined.


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