METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF STUDYING D.D. KREMІN'S POETRY (from the experience of the regional creative group)
Dmytro Kremin, construction of classes, literature of the native land, teaching method, model of a literary lesson/lesson, regional creative group of philology teachersAbstract
In the scientific and methodological article, a theoretical and methodological analysis of the construction of lessons in the literature of the native region is carried out. Emphasis is placed on integrability and subject-subject interaction as important principles for studying the work of local artists. Specific features of the methodology of conducting lessons / classes on the literature of the native region: competency-based and integrated approaches (priority educational areas), research activity of students, connection with life, taking into account historical and regional features, selection of works of high artistic and aesthetic quality that reflect Ukrainian identity. Selected features of lessons / classes of literary regional studies at school. The conditions for a successful understanding of the poet's creative heritage are clarified: immersion in the work of Dmytro Kremin; the peculiarities of the methodology of conducting lessons / classes on the literature of the native region, the psychology of reading are taken into account; motivating students-readers to research activities, creating conditions for the development of creative abilities of students-readers; formation and development of emotional intelligence; use of information and computer technologies. The work experience of the regional creative group of teachers of Ukrainian and foreign literature «Literature of the native land in figures: Dmytro Kremin » on the problematic topic: «Methodical aspects of studying the poetry of D.D. Kremin » was demonstrated. The goal and tasks are defined, and the main stages of the work of the creative group are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the results: the development of general (cultural and entrepreneurial) and professional (subject-methodical and prognostic) competences, through the construction of a model of a lesson/class on the literature of the native region based on the work of the artist, in accordance with the professional standard for the profession «Teacher of a general secondary education institution». For the first time, a sample model of the competence-activity literary class «Lyrical messages to Ukraine. Dmytro Kremin «My summers and winters...» (developer S. A. Kislenko) based on the author's concept of V. I. Shulyar.
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