electronic informative resources, informative and methodological provision, lessons on the works of Taras Shevchenko, studying creativity, Taras Hryhorovych ShevchenkoAbstract
The methodological article exposes basic informational Internet resources on contemporary shevchenkiana, which may be useful for the teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature of the integrated course of literature and history in order to improve the subject-specific knowledge of educators, considering the interpretation of the great Kobzar’s personality and representing his creative input to education applicants at the New Ukrainian School. It has been accentuated the meaning to applicants of modern educators’ informative and teaching resources in view of the prevailing distance learning. Some native traditional and electronic informative resources dedicated to Taras Shevchenko from the perspective of scientific and methodological provision of the great Kobzar’s creativity, studying the lessons of Ukrainian literature and the integrated course of literature, have been analysed. The major Internet resources have been listed, which may be useful for teachers to present a Ukrainian genius’s image that should be formed without adhering to some Soviet canons and patterns, coined within the minds of Ukrainians during previous years. The informative and teaching materials have been systematized into three groups: the Internet resources with general information about the celebrant, the resources for direct application in lessons, and the ones that represent Shevchenko and his creativity in various forms of art: visual, audible, and cinematic. When selecting the digital Internet resources, the teaching and popularizing materials that may be of interest to children and teenagers have been taken into consideration. The author concludes that the presented resources of the Internet provide grounds for stating about serious informative and teaching potential on ensuring the needs of educators in elucidating the personality and creative way of Taras Shevchenko, as well as outlines the main perspectives of further research on this topic.
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