


children with special educational needs;, inclusive resource center, material and technical aspect, organizational and methodical aspect, speech therapist teacher, comprehensive assessment of the child’s development


The article reveals the content and specifics of the organization of the work of a speech therapist who works in an inclusive resource center (IRC), characterizes the regulatory framework that a specialist uses in his work, such as: provisions on an inclusive resource center, IRC Statute, Internal Rules schedule, as well as the job description of a specialist (speech therapist) of the IRC. The study also outlines the methodological directions of speech therapy work. These include the provision of psychological-pedagogical and correctional-developmental services to children with special needs who are registered in the IRC, attend preschool, general secondary, or vocational education institutions, and do not receive the necessary help due to the lack of relevant specialists in these institutions. The directions also involve participation in conducting a comprehensive assessment of the child’s psychophysical development, particularly in assessing the level and state of speech development. Additionally, they include conducting individual and group speech therapy classes, carrying out further speech therapy examinations, and participating in the work of psychological and pedagogical support teams for children with special educational needs in general secondary and preschool education institutions. Finally, the study emphasizes providing consultations for teachers and parents of children with special educational needs on the organization of education, upbringing, and development. An important achievement is the generalization and systematization of information about modern material and technical equipment, which should be used by a speech therapist at the IRC in working with children with SEN. In particular, the material and technical support of the office of the speech therapist is represented by the following equipment: furniture, computer equipment, visual material for the development of speech, didactic games, a set of photo illustrations, an easel, stationery, a wash basin, hygiene and disinfection products, a sterilizer, and sets of speech therapy tools for staging sounds, specialized computer programs.


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