general underdevelopment of speech, delayed mental development, individual approach, inclusive education, speech therapy support, younger schoolchildren, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speechAbstract
The article addresses the issue of speech therapy support for children with delayed psychophysical development, focusing on the interaction between teaching staff, students, and their parents. It analyzes scholarly research on the general underdevelopment of speech (GUS) and methods for educating students with delayed psychophysical development in general education institutions. The study explores challenges related to connected speech in primary school students, as well as the development of phonetic-phonemic perception and higher mental functions. Methodological aspects of speech therapy support for children with delayed psychophysical development in general secondary education institutions are outlined, with consideration given to mixed forms of education. Furthermore, methods and approaches for working with children with speech disorders are proposed, along with indicators for assessing levels of communicative ability. The research provides a detailed analysis of phonetic and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, particularly difficulties in the perception, differentiation, and reproduction of sounds, which significantly impact pronunciation and language comprehension. The importance of developing phonemic processes to address these deficiencies is emphasized. The paper reviews modern speech correction methods adapted for children with delayed psychophysical development. It outlines strategies and techniques employed by speech therapists to develop connected speech, highlighting the critical role of collaboration among teachers, speech therapists, and parents. The article notes that speech therapy support for children with psychophysical development disorders involves not only corrective interventions but also training for parents to apply methods that stimulate their child's speech development at home. Practical recommendations for parents include the use of specialized games and exercises aimed at speech formation. The authors stress that systematic cooperation between parents, teachers, and speech therapists is essential for effectively overcoming speech difficulties in children with psychophysical development disorders.
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