


identity, museum lesson, museum pedagogy, national identity, national-patriotic education, Ukrainian national identity


The Russian-Ukrainian war has intensified scientific research into effective resources and methods for strengthening the Ukrainian national and civic identity of students. The need to bolster national and patriotic education, as well as affirm national and civic identity during wartime and post-war periods, is well-founded. Consequently, it is essential to identify effective strategies, methods, and resources to achieve these objectives. This scientific and methodological article substantiates the relevance and demonstrates the feasibility of employing museum pedagogy to foster Ukrainian national and civic identity among students. It provides a definition of the concept of «museum pedagogy» in the context of national and civic identity formation. Furthermore, the author identifies the core components of museum pedagogy as tools for enhancing students' sense of national and civic belonging. The article highlights the unique aspects of museum lessons and classes as an educational method. It outlines an approximate structure for conducting museum lessons or classes and presents their technological map. Examples of student assignments for museum lessons are included, specifically illustrated through a notebook designed for visitors to the Jan Amos Comenius Czech Pedagogical Museum. Museum pedagogy, in the context of strengthening national and civic identity, serves as a powerful educational tool, fostering young people's understanding of their nationality, patriotism, and civic responsibility. Through museums as custodians of cultural heritage, this pedagogical approach enhances individuals’ awareness of their place in national history and contemporary society. Emerging as a modern scientific discipline and an innovative educational technology, museum pedagogy transforms traditional lessons by «revitalizing» exhibits and imbuing them with new meanings and values. It encompasses a broad spectrum of activities, formats, and audiences, facilitating an interactive and multidimensional educational process within cultural and educational settings.


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