
  • Liuda Кlimenko МОІППО


Keywords: meta-subject approach, meta-subject knowledge, meta-topics, meta-subject activity, generalized teaching methods, postgraduate pedagogical education, STEM-education


           It is about training of teachers of natural and mathematical disciplines during advanced training in course and intercourse periods in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education to provide students with meta-subject knowledge and generalized methods of activity. Scientific researches of domestic and foreign scientific teachers on meta-subject approach in teaching are analyzed, which define the essence of concepts: meta-subject, meta-subject, meta-content, meta-topic, meta-lesson, meta-result of meta-knowledge, meta-ability. The results of their research selected a scientific basis for the development of meta-subject natural-mathematical direction of topics of studies and means of meta-subject activity of students.

        Provided as general guidelines for selection of meta-topics (modern achievements of science and technology, forms in nature, fractals) and a concrete example – the meta-topic "Phenomena of Nature" classes on the issue of "Meta-subject approach in the educational process in natural and mathematical disciplines, computer science, geography, health fundamentals". During its study, the meta-subject nature of the content about fullerenes and tornadoes is revealed. The meta-subject of such a phenomenon lies in the fact that the explanation of its structure, history of invention, presence in nature and use in technology and medicine is based on subject knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy and mathematics.

            In meta-subject classes, the meta-content of a natural atmospheric phenomenon is considered, which is currently not studied in any of the school disciplines - tornado (sandstorm). The issue is relevant, because in recent years we have seen in Ukraine, which is not typical of it. Tornadoes are more common in the United States, Argentina, the South African Republic, Australia and other regions where atmospheric fronts collide. It is formed according to a complex scheme in several stages, which are offered to observe the students of advance training courses by analogy with the work of a household nightlight device - a tornado.

        One of the means of meta-subject activity of students is the use of universal experiments of generalizing content, the explanation of which requires the involvement of knowledge from all natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy) and life experience of students. This mainly concerns issues such as the properties of water, air, diffusion phenomena, surface tension, and so on. The article presents examples of performing experiments: the presence of atmospheric pressure in nature and the phenomenon of diffusion using two types of cheese (made at home and at the milkfactory).

        Emphasis is placed on the importance of the meta-subject approach in the educational process as one of the ways to ensure the implementation of the global educational brand STEM-education, which has existed for decades in developed countries and in recent years has rapidly entered the education system of Ukraine. STEM education involves increasing the level of integration of knowledge.

      Prospects for the study of teacher training for the implementation of the meta-subject matter of students, which helps to perceive the world as a holistic system, are  indicated.



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