
  • vasyl shuliar моіппо


Keywords: acmeological model, child-centrism, didactic system, Kostiantyn Ushynskyi, logical semiotic model, New Ukrainian School, pedagogical axiomatic, teacher-centrism, triad, trinity.


The author of the article has analyzed the educational documents, concepts, guidelines and the Kostiantyn Ushynskyi's legacy. Personalized developmental models for the subjects of the New Ukrainian School are offered. For this purpose, the didactic multidimensional technology of pedagogical design was used. Along with this, we have identified a number of new concepts that make it possible to visualize models. Among such tools there are logical semiotic models (LSM) based on the triad philosophy. Working versions of definitions for the «triad» concept are proposed.

Logical semiotic models are built on the hierarchical trinity principles. The significance of such models is obvious. They ensure the integrity of views on phenomena, concepts, reality etc. This approach is considered to be a new type of systematization and it is distinguished by its openness.

The analysis of the New Ukrainian School’s concepts and Kostiantyn Ushynsky's legacy were conducted from the standpoint of pedagogical axiomatics. A number of axioms from the above have become unifying for the logical semiotic models development. The personalized developmental model of the New Ukrainian School’s subjects includes the following components: personality-oriented educational landscape, subjects of educational institution and Me-creator. This model demonstrates the need to implement human / child / teacher-centered educational process with the appropriate infrastructure involvement.

Kostiantyn Ushynskyi’s didactic system is built on a psychological foundation and we build on the triad model as well. The components of the logical-semiotic model are interaction, which provide the internal course of the education, and movement (action) as a motivational component of the triad.

The proposed acmeological models demonstrate the need to implement human / child / teacher-centered educational process, taking into account the relevant infrastructure. The well-thought-out infrastructure of the educational institution will ensure the creation of the person-oriented educational environment. Such educational environment should be wisely organized and built as a noosphere. It must take into account the kids’ natural and social background, the subjects’ connections, considering universal and spiritual laws. This approach will implement concepts from the New Ukrainian School and Kostiantyn Ushynskyi’s legacy and each one can feel oneself comfortable, cozy, safe, acting and creating in the name of their own future.

Didactic multidimensional technology of pedagogical design is very productive and it might help to develop other logical and semiotic models with well-known teachers’ techniques.



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