
  • Natalia Кlimenuk МОІППО


Ключові слова: виховання, дитина, експериментальна педагогіка, педологія.


Orientation to the child’s personality as the main object and value of the educational process, recognition of its originality and uniqueness, taking into account its abilities and talents, form today the foundation of the educational ideology of the Ukrainian educational system. But the search for ways to modernize the system of education and upbringing is impossible without historical analysis and scientific analogies. One of the leading places in modern pedagogical science is devoted to the study of scientific views and practices of prominent pedagogues of the past, who took an active part in the formation of the national Ukrainian school. Their work today is a basis for revival of fundamental ideas of the Ukrainian pedagogy of the past. Nowadays, the study of the peculiarities of the development of theoretical and practical pedagogy in the 1920s has become especially relevant, because it was during this period that the children's sciences were filled with reformed content, and pedology turned out to be the most popular and controversial. The main purpose of this article is making a retrospective analysis of the basic principles of pedology as a science and covering the refinement of pedagogical heritage of Ukrainian pedologists, such as: Viktor Prototopov, Stepan Ananin, Yakiv Mamontov, Hryhorii Kostiuk, Oleksandr Zaluzhnyi, Ivan Sokolianskyi. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the pedological heritage of Yakiv Chepiha. The main guidelines of pedology as a science which main tool was natural experiment, testing and observation are analyzed. The issue of socio-historical factors of destruction of pedology and political persecution of its supporters is considered. Particular attention is paid to the review of pedological works of Ukrainian scientists of the 20s, 30s of the XX century, who played an important role in the formation of the Ukrainian national school, in particular, Yakiv Chepiha- a prominent Ukrainian pedagogue, psychologist, pedologist and public figure.



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