
  • Hanna Surina МОІППО


Keywords: comprehensive programs, educational activities, labor school, national school, pedology, the project of the Ukrainian school, Yakov Feofanovich Chepiga.


The 145th anniversary of the outstanding Ukrainian teacher, psychologist and public figure Ya. F. Chepiga, had made it relevant the appeal to his diverse heritage. The article deals with the aspects of the educational activities of Ya. Chepiga and its significance for the modern Ukrainian education.

Since the activity of Ya.  Chepiga as the public figure in the field of education took place at the turbulent years of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917–1921, he have had an opportunity to work in many leadership positions and have taken an active part in radical educational reforms of that time. While defending his own «Project of the Ukrainian School», Ya. Chepiga insisted on the national foundations of the free labor school formation, which were in many respects contradictory to the positions of the class international collectivism of that time. He had campaigned against the Bolsheviks’ intentions of denationalizing the school and creating of it according to the class principle.

Due to the influence of domestic enlighteners of the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries, Ya. Chepiga deeply realized his own belonging to the Ukrainian people. At the same time he deeply knew and supported the ideas of the famous Western thinkers, thanks to which the Ukrainian school was designed in a broad universal context.

The main educational activity’s directions of the Ya. F. Chepiga encolour modern reformist researches in the Ukrainian education, in particular the national school, the active and competency-based approaches, the revival of the projects’ method, and the introduction of the broad interdisciplinary integration. Thus, the appeal to the creative heritage of Ya. F. Chepiga appears to be very useful for the understanding of the reformation processes in the modern Ukrainian education.

