Key words: competence, facilitation, facilitative position of the leader, human-centered model, leadership, management activity, value orientations.Abstract
The author of the article reveals the facilitation issue in the context of the head's general educational institution management activity. Facilitation is viewed as a management style or a new leadership style based on such important characteristics of personality as concentration, competence and certain significant personal qualities.
The article shows that changes in education are gradually establishing the partnership principles in the learning space of Ukrainian schools namely: respect, benevolent and positive attitude, trust, interaction, distributed leadership (the right to choose responsibility for each participant of the learning process), social partnership (equality, voluntary acceptance of obligations to fulfill agreements) - all this makes the leader's facilitative position in demand and changes the relationship with colleagues.
An analysis of this issue in psychology and pedagogy research is presented, the facilitative position of a school head through professional competence is considered, a sample of the study results conducted at the Kharkov Academy of Continuing Education is presented and described.
The article also presents the study results to determine the value of leaders and teachers of educational institutions in the process of professional development. The manifestation of the leader's facilitative position is shown when establishing feedback with the teachers of the institution.
Conclusions are made about the relevance and demand of the management facilitative style from the reforming school education point of view.
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