adaptation, emotional competence, emotional intelligence, coping - strategy, young teachers, professional self-realization, professional self-development, mental health, training.Abstract
The article focuses on the need to develop emotional intelligence quotient as the factor influencing the teacher beginners' adaptation. Today there is a lack of young, active and creative teachers.
The article offers correlations between the adaptive teacher competence and emotional intelligence quotient.
The issue of teacher emotional incompetence is a serious obstacle for professional self-realization. Attention is paid to such psychological difficulty of young people as the low stress resistance, which affects the professional productivity.
The number of concerns is indicated: teacher's low self-esteem, inability to manage emotional states, unproductive communication and in general inconsistency of high professional requirements for a university graduate and their physical and mental health, or rather ill health.
Various domestic and foreign theories about connection of emotions and intelligence are considered. The emotions influence on the personality’s way of thinking and decision-making is noted. Empathic skills, ability to build relationships, positive emotional commitment are considered as teacher professional qualities. The level of emotional intelligence is presented as a sign of teacher success. The author also gives examples of the negative emotional impact on mental and physical health.
There is a noted role of adaptive training to promote professional self - development and new coping strategies as emotions and intelligence are naturally connected. Emphasis is placed on the need to understand the compensatory mechanisms of energy spent on self-development.
Postgraduate education is a system of scientific and methodological activities and psychological support for young professionals in the teacher self-development process. The institute faces the task to enable the person with the psychological resources to fulfill their job potential. The author defines the criteria for a successful program of young teachers adaptation. Training as an interactive learning activity is a technique mastering emotional intelligence development.
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