


Keywords: library technologies, library website, business cards, image advertising, information culture, cultural equipment, badge, prestigious advertising, advertising and library technology, corporate symbols, letterheads, corporate style, reader's tickets.


The article is devoted to the issue of library popularization, it is necessary to properly convey information about the library, to tell about its services so that users have a desire to learn more about it. Modern methods of promotions are advertising and the image of libraries. At the heart of the library's image is corporate identity, which is a very important element. Recently,  special name badges, emblems and identification cards attached to the employees' clothes have become commonplace. In the digital age, libraries cannot stay away from the benefits of websites. Libraries post information about the library,  own services, electronic catalogs, they provide the opportunity to order books by e-mail.  It is stipulated that the introduction of modern technologies in the practice of libraries will allow more efficient use of internal reserves of libraries, rationally organize library work, improve the quality and efficiency of user service.

UDC 021.7



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