(за ідеями Василя Сухомлинського)


  • Василь Шуляр


Keywords: Fourth Industrial Revolution, New Ukrainian School, Victory Culture Strategy, Diversifying Component, Vasyl Sukhomlinsky, Pedagogy of Child-Centricity.


The author of the article outlines the formation of the pupilʼs and teacher's personality, taking into account the globalization processes that are currently taking place in the world in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Emphasis is placeo on 10 skills identified by respondents and will be required in 2020. The implementation of a new industrial (post-industrial) model of society / education will be possible if in place is a positive program. The components of this program are presented s follows: Moral and ethics Program; the program of Human Centrism; Human Culture Program, Human Information Culture Program; the Nooculture program of the educational environment. Development of the New Ukrainian School requires a new type of teacher. For the realization the system of advanced training we have chosen the strategy "Victoryʼs Culture". The author presents in the article a meaningful content of the defined concept and the corresponding model, which contains three elements: addressing the requests, needs and interests of the educational recipients (students of trainingʼs courses); comprehensive disclosure of professionalʼs and professional potential; a competitive team of like-minded partners who are able to respond flexibly to challenges. Implementation of the Victoryʼs Culture Strategy model is possible provided that the diversification component and Vasyl Sukhomlinsky's multifaceted heritage are incarnated info life. The diversification component of the in-service training system involves the transition to megavariative models of organization, selection of meaningful content and active forms of learning / development. To fulfill such plans, we have taken into account the actualities of V. Sukhomlinsky's heritage, which are represented by such logic-semiotic models (LSM) as "pedagogy of beneficence", "pedagogy of cordiality", "pedagogy of harmony", "pedagogy of naturalistic", "pedagogy of child-centrism". The latest update is in an expanded format with relevant comments. To LSM "Pedagogy of Child-Centricity" the author added the imperatives of Sukhomlinsky for his works, a number of value-ethical norms that will contribute to the emergence of a new type of Pedagogue: love of one's own business; vocational professionalʼs qualification; higher spiritual laws, moral values; creativity, acme growth. According to the ideas of a well-known scientist, requirements for a modern lesson in the context of Pedagogy of Child-Centricity have been formed.


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