


The study highlights the necessity of marketing efficiency evaluation concerning higher education facilities. The article reveals that current economic conditions have the features of uncertainty and competitiveness increase in all domains of the domestic economy, including higher education. The research states that the modern concept of marketing communication is based on the conceptual framework developed within the theories of communication, market interactions of the mass information processes, marketing networks, social forecasting, and the personal choice.

Thepurposeofthestudyistorevealcurrenttrendsofmarketingopportunitiesuse toimprove the competitiveness of higher education facilities. The objectives of the study are to find out and proof the necessity of the marketing communications use, in particular, marketing information, by current higher education facilities.

Thestudyrevealsthattheissueofeconomicefficiencyevaluationofcompanysmarketing, includinghighereducationfacilities, canbeconsideredasoneofthemostcomplicated and uncertain concepts of marketing and management theory. As a result, the issues occur while choosing the evaluation system and indicators of marketing efficiency.Theauthordevelopsandpresentsthemodelofthemarketingefficiencyevaluation concerning higher education. The study presents the main milestones of the analysis of the marketing information system in higher education. The main principles of creation and use of information in the process of efficiency evaluation of the marketing management system in higher education are developed. The article investigates the necessity of marketing monitoring that is the system of permanent observation on the main controllable and uncontrollable marketing variables. The author defines the purposes of marketing indicators development, including planning and controlling of marketing activity, as well as the opportunity to prevent possible manipulation of particular indicators.

The study rationalizes that marketing activity is an objective necessity to focus all company’s activities, including higher education, to take into account market demand and consumer needs and preferences. The author concludes that marketing activity provides higher education facilities with the information about external conditions of company’s functioning, i.e. reliable, verified, and relevant information about market, the demand structure and dynamics, consumer preferences, suitable goods, the influence on consumers, the analysis of demand, etc.


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