


Keywords: communicative skills; English culture; grammatical forms; motivation; paremiological minimum; phonetics; proverb; sociocultural competence; students; vocabulary.


In the article the necessity of the usage of the most actual English proverbs in order to develop the sociocultural competence of students at the English lessons at school is justified in theory. The study of a question about the sociocultural competence in the academic works is carried out. The collection of the paremiological units is proved to be the important material in teaching foreign languages. These units influence the formation of the cultural literacy of students. The most frequently used English proverbs are found out due to include them in the exercises and tasks.

The basic principles of the usage of the most actual English proverbs at the first and further stages of students’ education are presented. The result of research of paremiological collection is the establishment of the paremiological minimum of the common Anglo-American proverbs. Wolfgang Mieder defines seventy five Anglo-American proverbs which are the most well-known and current ones. The scholar supports the idea that it is important to teach proverbs to foreign-language learners at the English lessons.

The most well-known proverbs are proposed to be used in teaching pronunciation of four vowel sounds, three diphthongs, and seven consonant sounds. Moreover, these proverbs can be taken as examples during presenting grammar rules concerning formation of present simple and past simple tenses, degrees of comparisons, singular and plural nouns, etc. Some proverbs can also become useful in teaching words of common topics, such as: food, animals, feelings, etc.

After all, teaching proverbs is an effective way in teaching sounds, grammatical forms and lexical units. As a result, students improve their pronunciational skills, knowledge about grammatical constructions and expand their vocabulary. Furthermore, teaching proverbs can help students to develop their communicative skills, increase their motivation and interest in learning English as well as to form sociocultural competence.


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