


колаборація; кооперативне навчання; культура демократії; освітній процес; співробітництво.


At the present stage, the educational community is intensifying the search for various forms and methods in order to master the student youth with thorough knowledge, necessary skills and abilities in school. The issue of introduction of cooperative technologies in order to solve the problem of intensive formation and development of skills and abilities in a short period of time is relevant now. The teacher's use of interactive learning technologies, especially cooperative learning methods, allows the student to become an active participant in learning. Cooperation in the modern world is not only an experience, but also an energy that will help to get a certain result that will be better than performing an individual task. Competitive form of educational interaction focuses only on the own successes of students, but cooperation on the contrary helps to increase the effectiveness of learning and get the best result. Many researchers focus on the positive aspects of cooperative learning such as the development of critical thinking, the ability to organize the process, management functions, conflict resolution, collaboration, knowledge sharing and responsibility between participants, which reduces the fear of evaluation. The most effective approach to learning is collaboration. In an educational dispute, where when conflicting points of view collide during the consideration of a certain issue, there is a process of thinking and making clear decisions or answers. But the most important condition for cooperative learning is a structured process and effective cooperation. The main principles of cooperative learning are interaction, mutually beneficial cooperation, mutual assistance, democracy, tolerance, responsibility, respect and more. The process should be organized so that participants can not complete their task and achieve the goal without helping each other. Cooperative learning also has an educational potential that develops the skills of tolerance, collectivity, the formation of humanistic relations between students, responsibility, the ability to understand, accept and recognize the views of others and promotes human self-realization in a democratic society. Cooperative learning helps students develop skills for the development of a culture of democracy in the educational process. Cooperation and interaction at school contributes to motivation and incentives for learning, mutual assistance in mastering the material, encouraging partners to cooperate, mutual responsibility, ensuring the activity of participants. But this process is achieved by defining a common goal, distribution of educational material, assignment of roles and summarizing the resul


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