


The article deals with the increasing motivation for educational activity, namely it is about the students’ success in fine Art lessons. Also, the article is devoted to the motivational component of schoolchildren's learning activity. Other methods and techniques that should be used within the learning process to increase motivation are highlighted. Various interpretations of the term «motive» and «motivation» in the scientific literature are analyzed.

           The article considers the motivation of primary students as one of the must conditions for the development of a holistic, all-rounder personality.   It is proven that the higher level of motivation a primary student has, the more efforts he makes and, accordingly, the higher results he can achieve. Fine Art lessons have a huge developmental potential: they train perception, thinking, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic memory, they develop the ability to feel beauty through a variety of colors, shapes, art lessons asol teach the depth and multidimensionality of the surrounding space. All this a child can get only if he wants to master it.

            The article highlights and analyzes the criteria for successful learning, it explores the concepts of «motive» and «motivation» as the basis of successful learning, it demonstrates the importance of creating a success situation in the classroom of the New Ukrainian school and it also has been proven that it is important to encourage children.



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