



Keywords: advanced training; competence; experiment; extrapolation; measurement; observation; research.


The article deals with the exploration of the possession of natural sciences by teachers of general secondary education methods, skills, abilities of extrapolation of methods of cognition of nature (observation, measurement, experiment) in the educational process of physics, chemistry, biology as teaching methods. In order to determine the levels of training of teachers of experimental and control samples before and after the study in all categories of the study, as well as to clarify and compare the differences in their preparation before and after the study. A system of measures for in-service training of teachers is provided, which was created to increase the levels of training of teachers of physics, chemistry, biology on the implementation of methods of observation, measurement, experiment. The components of the system are covered in detail: course period (interactive lectures, study tours, giant classes, trainings, competence-activity and variable modules, pedagogical practice, internships), intercourse (creative groups, studio "Science and We", visionary lecturer "Universe", intellectual competitions for students). Empirical frequencies of distribution of natural science teachers according to the levels of their training in the methodology of educational experiment, observation, measurement after research are determined.

The presentation of the obtained research results is carried out by several approaches, namely: visually - in the form of histograms, graphs; tables, but they look more reliable, using the method of mathematical statistics of processing results, in order to select Pearson's criterion χ2 for a sample of more than 30 people. The results are substantiated, the conclusions and prospects of further explorations in the considered direction are indicated.



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