


competencies; creativity; information and communication technologies; integrated learning; integration; learning potential; local lore clubs; methods of integrated learning; research work.


The article is devoted to the integrated teaching of ethnographic material at the classes of local lore сlubs. The main aspects of the integrated approach at the local lore clubs and their value are revealed. Sample activities to connect local literature with history, geography, archeology, and art are given. Emphasis is placed on the development of students' talents, their imagination, the vision of the environment, aesthetic tastes; ability to see the world's beauty. At the same time, the article points out certain shortcomings and risks of integrated learning. It outlines the conditions to make integrated learning efficient. It was found that the integration of local lore material is an effective way to present new information; it contributes to systematic knowledge and has a significant impact on personal development. The article is intended for leaders of local history сlubs or teachers who teach local lore lessons or elective courses in ethnography.


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