innovation, innovation process, innovative educational activity, innovative educational project, novation, pedagogical experimentAbstract
The effectiveness of educational innovations in secondary education depends on the proper organization of the learning process. The purpose of the article is to substantiate and to describe the methods of innovative activities in educational institutions. The author defines the concept of "educational innovation" and related concepts: "novation", "innovative educational activities", "teacher-novator", "teacher-innovator". State documents that regulate innovation activities at secondary education are identified. The differences between these innovative activities are discribed: the pedagogical experiment requires a hypothesis test and may have negative results; an innovative educational project always has a positive result which is the development or implementation of an innovative product.
The most important factor in the success of innovative activities of the institution is the readiness of the teaching staff, its focus on creative research, professional self-development and self-improvement.
Further study of the methodology of innovative activities at the level of general secondary education provides the technologies justification for the teachers’ competence development.
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