


digital competence, digital literacy, digital skills, information competence, information media literacy, media culture, media education


The article highlights the main conceptual approaches and the results of Mykolaiv In-Service Teacher Training Institute activity for teachers' digital education and their media culture. A classification and definition analysis of the concepts «media culture», «digital literacy», «information literacy» in domestic and foreign publications have been made. There are presented cooperation results between Mykolaiv In-Service Teacher Training Institute and international partners, mass media, and institutions which provide scientific support of experimental media educational activities at the national level. The author outlines the prospects and plans of Mykolaiv In-Service Teacher Training Institute as a regional center for teachers professional development in terms of digital competencies. The author describes the regulating documents on which to design experimental work, research stages, to set up goals and objectives of the media education projects or experiments. Particular attention should be paid to critical thinking skills in professional development within the Mykolaiv Institute, where five curricula and modules have been developed and improved. The author outlined the main development directions of the Center of Digital Education and Media Culture in Mykolaiv In-Service Teacher Training Institute. The implementation of the key objectives presented in the article will promote free access of teachers to the tools of digital education and thus it will impact the ultimate user of educational services - the child.


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