


journalists; , historical writings;, critical thinking;, memes;, future primary school teachers;, media education;, media text;, Ukrainian literature;, Ukrainian language


The concepts of working with media texts to train various staff in institutions of higher professional education are analyzed in the article. In particular, it is claimed about the lack of focus on educational and cognitive  practical training to work with media text of different types and genres. Emphasis is placed on the fact that today the current processes of language development correlate to extra- and intralinguistic potentials of the media word. They are correlated to abilities to unite the cultures,  to find the identity of the people, the state, the modern Ukrainian society in the language. Therefore, it is advisable to visualize the media text to adapt educational products in terms of the informatized society, as traditional textbooks do not always comply with the requirements of modern students who seek to keep up with everything and immediately and quickly distract from uninteresting moments.

 Considering the specifics of historical writings, we propose to turn to "encyclopedic"  way of mastering spelling skills, which means a research on all word aspects such as  the meaning of the word; its origin; combination with other words; cognate words; synonyms, antonyms, homonyms; texts "Fake or truth?", eidetics. The introduction  of media literacy principles, media education in the learning process, (in particular in Ukrainian literature lessons), is based on critical thinking. The work with media texts at Ukrainian literature lessons, develops critical thinking, the ability to navigate information sources, to comprehend the information provided, to classify it in terms of significance and priority, to generalize. Possibilities and advantages of working with media texts at   Ukrainian language and literature  lessons in institutions of professional higher education during the training of various staff (future primary school teachers, journalists) are аnalyzed.


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