


visualization, history of Ukraine, infographics, mental map, online services, posters, timeline


In the modern educational process, the use of visualization and the search for effective tools for the creation of high-quality visual materials are relevant, teachers should take into account the peculiarities of the perception of educational information by modern students and move to the use of various forms and methods of presenting information.

The publication examines the essence of visualization in the educational process and analyzes its features. Visualization is an activity process, a technique for presenting textual information or its transformation into a graphic image for convenient analysis and understanding of the object. The goal of visualization in the educational process at the current stage of the development of Ukrainian education is to create digital visual aids using modern information and communication technologies and use them directly in the classroom.

The main didactic possibilities of using visualization in the educational process are defined, namely: structuring of information; presentation of knowledge in a concise form; taking into account the peculiarities of education seekers in the presentation of information; emphasis on the main elements of the educational material; activation of different types of thinking and memory; integration of new knowledge, etc.

The implementation of visualization in history lessons is substantiated, especially when studying topics of the native region. Teaching the history of Ukraine involves acquainting students with the events that took place on the territory of their native land. However, due to the lack of time in history lessons and the insufficient number of methodological manuals on the topic "Our region", the local history material is studied mainly in overview. Given these circumstances, the teacher uses a variety of methods, methodological techniques and pedagogical strategies, namely: projects, interactive posters, cooperative learning, visualization of educational information. Familiarized with various online services and their classifications to improve visualization in history classes. The effectiveness of the lesson is facilitated by the use of various visualization tools and techniques: timelines, mind maps, infographics, word clouds, collages, various interactive tasks based on visual series, interactive posters. The result of the article is a presentation of options for using visualization compiled by the author independently thanks to online services: «Timeline JS», «Coggle, BubblUs», «WordArt», «Popplet», «Canva».


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