



competence-based training, lesson experience based on the literary work of Hryhoriy Skovoroda, modern methods and technologies of Ukrainian literature lesson, types of student activities


The article is devoted to modern and promising students activities based on Hryhoriy Skovoroda inheritance according to the competence based approach of the New Ukrainian School. The article analyzes some Ukrainian specialists' research on the modern lessons methodology of Ukrainian literature. The article makes conclusions about serious scientific potential for teachers in conducting lessons. Using the traditional analysis method 20 lesson notes with additional lesson materials available on the Internet were analyzed. The selection of documents to analyze was carried out on formal grounds, taking into account the issue year and the reliability of the sites where these materials were posted. It has been proven that teachers have a wide methodological toolkit for conducting lessons based on Skovoroda's literary work. At the same time, it is emphasized that the 21st century lesson should be distinguished by the use of modern methods and technologies. A few teaching techniques and students activities are proposed. This we believe will help the teacher to diversify the Ukrainian literature lesson and achieve a higher level of key and subject competencies. The teaching aspects of applying such students' activities as «spontaneous» (or creative) writing, the «entering the picture» technology, Bill Gates and Cornell's notes are explained. The author's versions of change and cloze procedure tests as types of learning activities are given. As a part of group work, we recommend to apply a Singaporean method of performing a lesson or learning session. There are pieces of advice on the specifics of applying Andrew Cherches' digital taxonomy for the development of competency-oriented tasks based on the literary work of Hryhorii Skovoroda. The prospects of further scientific research regarding the improvement of the theory and practice of applying new types of student activities, based on the requirements of the competence-activity approach, are outlined.


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