analytics, communication, content, information, informational and educational environment, social media, internet marketingAbstract
The article showcases the analytical capabilities of several content tools, such as «Professional Dashboard», «Meta Business Suite», and «YouTube Studio», which can be useful for heads of educational institutions and responsible individuals in building communication strategies, improving institutional image, and increasing competitiveness. These tools are particularly relevant given the significant expansion of the educational services market after the adoption of Resolution № 800 dated August 21, 2019, by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which concerns the improvement of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers' qualifications. To illustrate these tools' practical use, the article uses the example of the Mykolaiv In-Service Teacher Training Institute's Facebook page and YouTube channel. These digital resources are part of the Institute's information and educational environment, which was conceptualized and approved in 2019. The article analyzes different approaches to the interpretation of «internet marketing» and proposes steps to improve the educational institution's audience interaction model on social media based on market requests, preferences, and features. The author provides practical recommendations for improving the educational process, which would align with modern information and communication trends and cater to students in different situations and using different devices. The article also proposes practical steps that educational institutions can use in creating or maintaining information resources on social media. These steps are grouped into seven key blocks: planning, information, design and content, interaction, regularity, teamwork, and new heights.
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