(based on the experience of Development Management Laboratory of Regional Education at Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute)




crisis, crisis managereducational management, crisis manager, educational management, institution of general secondary education, management effectiveness, manager of an educational institution


The article presents practical methodological steps for the formation of anti-crisis management foundations in general secondary education institutions under martial law. The effectiveness of school management plays a crucial role in the organization of educational activities and the quality of education in the institution. The article emphasizes the importance of forming the professional competencies of a crisis manager in the school principal in a short period of time during the state of war. The article highlights the practical experience of the educational and methodical laboratory of management of regional education development in constructing a communication system between teaching staff and managers of general secondary education institutions in the region under martial law. It also emphasizes the importance of educational and methodical support for the activities of the crisis manager-head of the institution. The article provides recommendations for the actions of the head of an educational institution in a crisis situation, particularly in war conditions. It proposes an effective algorithm of actions for the head of a general secondary education institution in a crisis situation during wartime. In times of war, the need for quick, timely, competent, and responsible action while considering risks increases. Timely and correct application of anti-crisis management technologies by the director of an educational institution can help counteract negative trends and overcome the crisis. However, inaction and unprofessional management can provoke the deterioration of the situation in the school. Hence, the need for highly qualified managerial and pedagogical personnel increases. Therefore, one of the priorities in the formation of anti-crisis management foundations is to train and master the necessary competencies in the conditions of war for managers and staff. Trained and qualified employees will preserve their own educational institution's system and lead the institution towards development.




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