digital tools, Google Apps, personal educational environment, personal online space, planning of professional activitiesAbstract
This article examines the concept of personal learning environments (PLEs) for teachers and discusses the use of digital tools to plan and manage their professional pedagogical activity. The author reviews several scientific works related to the definition of the PLE concept and identifies different online services that can be used to create a PLE. These services include educational content creation services, information search and analysis services, planning services, distance learning systems, online interaction and communication services, and online monitoring and control organization services. The article describes practical applications of specific digital tools, including Google Calendar, Google Tasks, Google Keep and Symbaloo for effective planning of a teacher's professional activity. The author also identifies the advantages and disadvantages of these services for planning professional activities. The author emphasizes that PLEs are unique to each individual teacher and based on their preferences, needs and goals. The use of digital tools in creating a PLE can enhance the learning experience, help teachers stay up-to-date with the latest trends in their field, and facilitate engagement with other educators and learners in a more meaningful way. While digital tools can be helpful for planning professional activities, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. Some teachers may find it challenging to integrate new technologies into their existing workflows or may not have access to the necessary equipment or internet connection. The author provides a comprehensive understanding of the practical applications and limitations of digital tools for planning and managing a teacher's professional activity. By recognizing the unique needs and goals of each teacher, digital tools can be leveraged to create a more efficient and effective personal learning environment for professional development.
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