


«Teacher of the Year» contest, skill, master class, teacher, pedagogical experience, pedagogical ideapedagogical idea, professional development, structure, creative personality, professional training


The article examines one of the innovative teaching methods – a master class, which allows its participants to take an active part in the class, join the discussion of issues that arise during the work. The specifics of organizing and holding a master class as a form of professional training of teachers – participants of the All-Ukrainian competition «Teacher of the Year» are highlighted. An analysis of modern research on the issues of preparing and conducting master classes was carried out. Approaches to defining the concept of «master class» are summarized. Methodological proposals for the preparation and conducting of master classes are considered as one of the main forms of exchange of promising pedagogical experience. The structure of the master class is disclosed, its main elements, conducting technologies and organizational requirements are characterized. It was established that the master class motivates teachers to develop professional competence; increases their level of responsibility for self-education; contributes to the formation of systemic thinking. A feature of the master class is the exchange of experience, the combination of theory and practice, visibility, accessibility, creativity, initiative, a highly effective educational form that connects participants, which gives motivation to the creative development of participants, and causes a desire for self-improvement and self-development. Attention is drawn to the master class as an effective form of scientific and methodical activity regarding the generalization and dissemination of advanced promising pedagogical experience.


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