A TRUE UKRAINIAN PATRIOT AS A VALUE (a model of competence-activity class based on poetry Dmytro Kremen «My street» for elementary school)

Article two





Dmytro Kremin, truth, competence, socio-cultural reception, value, literary occupation, information card of a literary lesson, information card of the student-reader/student-reader


The second article is a continuation of the comprehension of the work of Dmytro Kremin. Focused on the practice of teaching lyrical works in elementary school. The study of lyrics in these classes on the work of Dmytro Kremin is carried out for the first time. This is both scientific novelty and practical significance. Comprehension of poetry will take place from the position of sociocultural reception. Its use will ensure the formation of schoolchildren as true Ukrainians, patriots of both their land and their homeland - Ukraine. The attention is focused on the use in the reading activity of the competence-activity strategy. It will contribute to the formation of student readers as competent, intelligent. This will provide an understanding of the aesthetic value of Dmytro Kremin's poetry. The implementation of the proposed is presented by constructing a literary lesson on the poetry of Kremin. The system of target tasks, educational situations are coordinated with the types of reading activities. Each educational situation involves a forecast of expected results: an intermediate literary/reading product. The author has developed for teachers an information card of a literary lesson and its structure. For student-readers - information card student-reader/student-reader. The Intelligence Service proposed a new approach to the study of Dmytro Kremin's lyrics in elementary school. Models of literary classes are based on the integrated use of various methods. The technology of their construction from the standpoint of sociocultural reception is offered. It will contribute to the development of creative abilities of students-readers as true Ukrainians.


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