


indicator, internal quality assurance system of an educational institution, learning outcomes, psychologically safe educational environment, psychological safety, quality of education, self-assessment


The methodological article provides an analytical review of modern Ukrainian and foreign research, which allows us to claim that there is a significant connection between the sense of psychological safety of participants in the educational process and learning outcomes. Psychologically safe educational environment is considered as a factor of successful educational and cognitive activity of education seekers. The article considers the peculiarities of educational activities of schools during the period of military aggression, related to feelings of danger, stress of all participants of the educational process, which causes destructive changes in various spheres of personality, affects the mental health, cognitive processes of participants of the educational process, and affects learning outcomes. The article analyses the difference in PISA results of Ukrainian schoolchildren in the pre-war period (2018) and during the war (2022). It is demonstrated that the task of ensuring the quality of education by general secondary education institutions in the context of war requires the ability of managers to respond promptly to destructive influences and challenges, to solve unforeseen problems in order to minimise educational losses.  The author emphasises the need to transform the internal quality assurance system of an educational institution, since the current situation, conditions of uncertainty, require a prompt response to the factors that most affect the learning outcomes of students, causing educational losses. To do this, it is necessary to revise to some extent the model of self-assessment of an educational institution. The need for a certain transformation and clarification of the indicators of psychologically safe environment of an educational institution is determined, as they were defined for self-assessment in the pre-war period and do not allow for full consideration of the challenges caused by the war. Recommendations for school managers on how to improve the indicators of a psychologically safe environment of general secondary educational institutions have been developed.


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