


Arduino, STEM, robotics, digital technologies


The methodological article is dedicated to the implementation of STEM robotic projects based on Arduino controllers in IT lessons in Ukraine’s educational establishments. It has been outlined the peculiarities of the organization process of the implementation of robotics as one of the directions of STEM education. Moreover, it has been delineated the scope of issues that are to be solved during the introduction of robotics into the school curriculum for pupils’ training. The author investigates the conditions of usage for robotics-related projects in IT lessons. The paper defines the methods that encourage creative activity, motivation, and interest in studying among pupils when they make up the STEM-robotics projects in IT classes. It has also been analysed that the controllers are the platforms for creating robots in IT lessons, and the author proposes to opt for «Arduino» as a basis for constructing robotic systems. The article clarifies that according to the conception of the New Ukrainian School, the introduction of STEM education into the educational process has to become an instrument of a significant expansion of the teacher's capabilities as well as the formation of essential technological competences in students. It has been proven that robotics as a unit of STEM education is a universal means for usage in IT classes for children of different ages since it enables revealing the technical inclinations of students and developing them at early stages; moreover, it stimulates the development of communicative and analytical skills as well as the abilities to analyse engineering and programming tasks, find out the problems, and work out effective solutions. For the first time, the author of the paper gives recommendations concerning the choice and use of the instruments for achieving the aims and increasing the effectiveness while making use of the STEM robotics projects during the process of teaching IT via the «Arduino» controllers. The work may be of interest to the teachers of IT, mathematics, natural sciences, and the technologies that help implement the elements of STEM education into educational projects.


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