
  • Патлайчук О.В., Макарчук О.М.


Key words: periodization of development, basic principles, hierarchy, formation of substrate, world interaction.



In the period of the formation of a new Ukrainian school, a conceptually new vision of the educational process, we try to approach the analysis of the principles of periodization and the construction of a course in the history of Ukrainian culture as citizens of an independent sovereign country, following a new view of national history. This view is significantly different from the concepts of both Soviet and Ukrainian populist periodization. The basis of our approach to this important and complex problem of our time is an objective-logical, historical and philosophical analysis of events and phenomena that took place throughout the history of Ukrainian culture from its origins to the present. It is fundamental to see the substrate of the development of the course of Ukrainian culture, as it is impossible to wrap the world culture into Ukrainian, but it is quite natural to consider Ukrainian in the world's wrapper. Particular attention was paid to the possibility of in-depth and undigmatic understanding of the peculiarities of the development of Ukrainian ethnic culture, its problems, aspects, important ideas in view of the variety of points of view and approaches, and the unevenness of actualization of the problems itself in scientific and manual literature. The experience of teaching and studying Ukrainian culture justifies this approach, determines its fruitfulness and expediency.


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