


the algorithm of actions of exhibition participants, preschool education, the center of professional development of pedagogical workers, the online exhibition, the role of a consultant


The methodical article presents the experience of organizing the online exhibition «Preschool Educational Resource» as a means of implementing the function of a consultant for the center of professional development of pedagogical workers in generalizing and disseminating information about the activities of preschool education institutions and is also an important tool for supporting and initiating ideas for the introduction of innovations in the education process and unification of pedagogical teams for the sake of increasing the quality of education. The main aspects of the exhibition have been disclosed: informative, communicative, scientific and educational, social, and analytical. It has been confirmed that virtual exhibitions have certain advantages; in particular, they are an interactive, ecological, free, and safe form of education. The role of the center’s consultant, who provides complex support for the exposition from the development of the concept to the evaluation of the results, has been defined. Thanks to his qualifications, experience, and knowledge, the online exhibition becomes an important tool for the professional development of teachers. The consultant’s skills, which guarantee the effectiveness of the exhibition, are the implementation of strategic planning, organizational and methodical support, ensuring the effectiveness of person-oriented approaches, and evaluation-analytical approaches. The rules for the functioning of the exposition were developed and a sample of the construction of the algorithm of the participants’ actions was proposed, the use of which contributes to the generalization and dissemination of the information made public by the consultant, namely about the peculiarities of the creation of developmental centers, models of partnership interaction with parents in preschool education institutions; application of methods, technologies, methods, and techniques in the educational process; professional sources for teachers to obtain important scientific and methodical knowledge on the chosen topic. The proposed approach to the selection of thematic headings, the content of the actions of the participants of the online exhibition creates conditions for stimulating self-analysis by specialists of their own professional activity, as well as purposeful internal methodical support for solving specific problems in the organization of the educational process of a preschool education institution.


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