preschool education institutions, patriotic feelings, socio-civic competence, theatrical activityAbstract
Today, one of the tasks of postgraduate education is to strengthen the Ukrainian national identity of pedagogical workers in preschool education institutions. This includes directing their efforts towards educating parents about national values and national-patriotic education, as well as fostering the development of preschool children’s unique identities as citizens of this country. Consolidating the active position of a resident of one’s country and cultivating a valuable attitude towards the family that is part of the people, history, traditions, and culture will eventually contribute to the formation of patriotism, which unites love for the people, the nation, the Motherland, a sense of respect for others. The preschool age is a significant period in a child’s development. When babies learn the norms and rules of behaviour that are accepted in society, they learn to communicate with adults and peers. If the circle of the child’s main connections with the environment becomes wider, more diverse feelings will arise. Nowadays, it is evident that the topic of forming the social and civic competence of children of older preschool age – our youngest citizens – is more relevant than ever. The result of educating 5–6-year-old children should be not only the development of basic knowledge and concepts, but also the acquisition of practical skills and abilities. Most importantly, it should involve the internalization of social morality, adherence to traditions, and the aspiration to embody the positive image of a Ukrainian. The teachers of preschool education have used theatrical activities for a long time, which are one of the most effective means of pedagogical influence on the development of the creative individuality of a preschooler as an integral component of the comprehensive and harmonious development of older preschoolers. At the Child Development Center «Harmoniia» in Pivdennoukrainsk, the teachers organized the work of the theater studio «Fantasy», where children can immerse themselves in the world of art and creativity. The main purpose of the theater studio is not only to stage performances, but also to develop children’s confidence and communication skills. Preschoolers learn to work in a team, listen to each other, and support their peers. Such skills are invaluable later in life, as they contribute to the development of the child’s personality and social engagement. There is a lack of pedagogical developments on the influence of theatrical activities on the formation of social and civic competence in older preschool children. The development of this issue by the Department of Theory and Methodology of Preschool and Primary Education of Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute will be revealed in the research topic «Scientific and Methodological Foundations of the Establishment of the Ukrainian National and Civic Identity of Teaching Staff of Preschool and Primary Education Institutions of the Mykolaiv Region (2024–2029)».
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