
  • tanusha burlaka МОІППО


Keywords: quality of education, educational management, expert, educational expert, institutional monitoring, information society, cognitive components, «New Ukrainian School» Concept, educational paradigm, teacher competence.


The article considers the topical quality issues of Ukrainian education, the state monitoring of educational institutions for compliance with legislation and the role of the experts in these processes and components of their professional competence as well.

The educational experts' relevance is determined by the functions they perform, which make it possible to carry out the introduction of  innovations and world practices into education and thus to improve the education quality.  Among the main expert functions the author defines such activities as analytical, educational, expert, generalizing, prognostic, facilitative, consulting and monitoring ones. The outlined functions determine the special competencies of an educational expert. The expert is considered by the author to be an analyst, consultant, supervisor, facilitator, mediator, prognosticator, innovative developer.

The article emphasizes the importance of purposeful and systemic training of anyone involved in educational expertise; it also identifies the educational experts' competence.

The author considers cognitive activity and ethical values in the complementary unity.

The cognitive component is represented by a dynamic combination of knowledge and skills, including knowledge of the state policy principles, methods of educational activity, educational standards, ability to analyze, systematize, compare and summarize the obtained information, to use the valid research methods, do paperwork, program designing etc.

The ethical component of the educational expert includes social and political views, intellectual and moral values.

Among the individual qualities of the expert are sociability, emotional intelligence, punctuality, assertiveness, responsibility, honesty, ability to learn throughout life.

Keywords: quality of education, educational management, expert, educational expert, institutional monitoring, information society, cognitive components, «New Ukrainian School» Concept, educational paradigm, teacher competence.


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