
  • Klona Alkhimova МОІППО


aggressive behavior; aggressor; bullying; conflict; erroneous actions; jeer; overcoming algorithm; teacher; unpopularity; violence.


The relevance of the article is proved by the represented survey, which was held in 2018 by The Ukrainian institute of social researches. Bullying problems were analysed by international and domestic scientists.

In the article «bullying» terms and bullying markers are revealed. It has examined the negative behavioural occurrences, which bullying is confused with. Namely, the unpopularity of a child, a conflict or the child's aggressive behaviour. It has also examined psychological characteristics of bullying persons: a bullier, an injured person and a spectator.

There is an action algorithm for pedagogical and other employees of the educational institution in case they detect bullying. The article analyzes the steps in cases of bullying against a child from their class.

After all, the class teacher is called to be the first to help solve the bullying problem in the classroom and teach children how to act in case of observation or falling into this negative phenomenon.

According to the results of the workshop occured in Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute wrong actions which do not promote the problem solving but on the contrary can aggravate it are considered by specialists at psychology, social work and inclusive education. Such information makes teachers acquainted with bullying and also enhances their understanding of their role in the prevention of this negative phenomenon.

The most important thing is an analysis of the interaction in the classroom and creating a safe educational environment for students.



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